Türk Otomotiv Sanayicisinin Dergisi

Doruk Automotion General Manager Gönül Kamalı: “Enabling manufacturers to use Digital Automation tools will generate great advantages in competitiveness!..”

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Haber Eklenme Tarihi : 27.08.2018 12:56:00

The priorities of Turkish Automotive industry should be R&D. Especially for autonomuous vehicle technologies and spare parts. The next important priority is the activities on cultural changes to manage operations digitally using ERP+ MOM+PLM+CRM systems.

Turkish Automotive Industry is one of the leading and mature industries in Turkey.
In addition to R&D and  Innovation investments on different products and services, OEMs and sub contractor companies have the vision of installing sustainability and continuous improvement environment in the companies.
The number of manufacturers who are managing production, maintenance and qualty test  operations via digital MOM systems are being rised. This approximation is providing to them sustainable operational management discipline and sustainable production management culture. Agility, detailed cost management and precise decision making ability using digital tools are other competitive advantages of the Turkish automotive industry.  
Human life styles and transportation needs are changing. It is obvious that automotion industry will change but keep the importance high. Because of the autonomous vehicle needs of the big crowded cities, all the automotive producer companies begin to transform their production facilities to a kind of robot producer companies. This means the manufacturing processes will need much more sophisticated process management and operational management abilities which easily be gained via digital tools.  
The weight, prices and delivery times will need to be reduced more and more. In addition to technological developments on the parts of vehicles, manufacturing operations should be very well managed.
In my opinion, the best companies will be the ones who is mostly internalize the usage of digital tools effectively.  
The priorities of Turkish Automotive industry should be R&D. Especially for autonomuous vehicle technologies and spare parts.
The next important priority is the activities on cultural changes to manage operations digitally using ERP+ MOM+PLM+CRM systems. Depending on the clear and precise results coming from usage of the digital tools, machinery investments should be decided as it is reported via digital system datas.   
Nowadays, adaptation to new technologies are slightly faster and flexible than before therefore industiries such as manufacturing and automation are very sensitive to cost and quality of production so eager to try oppurtunities generated by innovative, data augmented, automated and predictive method of technologies. Even more, enabling creative and attractive design to generate new product models are easier and faster by using technology with  prefered demand of customer in predictive methodoligies.

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