Türk Otomotiv Sanayicisinin Dergisi

Mercedes-Benz Türk President & CEO Süer Sülün: “We are hardworking and passionate about our work since day one”

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Haber Eklenme Tarihi : 27.08.2018 11:49:00

As Mercedes-Benz Türk, we work hard and passionate since our establishment until today to support the development of the Turkish automotive industry with our R&D investments.

The automotive sector is among the locomotive sectors that provide high added value to the economy, accelerate technological developments, contribute to the development of many of its customers, and support subsidiary industries.
The automotive sector in Turkey is R&D intensive industry and one of the sector that has been exported most in the last 10 years. At the same time Turkey takes part as the biggest producer of commercial vehicles in Europe. Shortly we can say the importance of Turkey for the automotive sector is growing day by day. In my opinion, Turkey’s competency in the international automotive market will increase even further in the course of time.
As Mercedes-Benz Türk, we work hard and passionate since our establishment until today to support the development of the Turkish automotive industry with our R&D investments.
All over the world, the automotive industry prepares to the new era about digitalization, autonomous driving and the new vehicle technologies that will work with alternative energies. This change in automotive sector creates a connection between the information technology and the industry. In the forthcoming years, the use of artificial intelligence will enable the vehicles to make decisions on their own. All brands should follow closely the technology and adapt to this technological developments.
The automotive sector is the sector that makes the most R&D investment compared to other sectors. A list of “the first 250 company with the highest R&D expenditures in Turkey” shows us that the automotive industry plays a significant role. The Turkish automotive industry should continue to closely examine the technological developments in the sector. Moreover, I would like to recommend to further increase the investments to strengthen and improve the actions in the field of R&D and create a competitive edge.
Step by step, all Mercedes-Benz vehicles are going to be equipped with an electric motor. According to our mother company Daimler AG’s statement, an investment of over 10 Million € will have been made until 2022. Additionally until 2022, 50 new electric models will be launched in the international market. We, as Mercedes-Benz Türk, will introduce electric and hybrid vehicles into the Turkish market to develop our product portfolıo even further and reach new market segments.

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