Türk Otomotiv Sanayicisinin Dergisi

Aegean Region has become the registered wheel rim manufacturing center

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Haber Eklenme Tarihi : 27.08.2018 12:24:00

Maxion İnci climbed up 14 steps up in ISO 500 list and ranked as 115th. Maxion Jantaş climbed by 40 steps and ranked as 380th.

Maxion İnci and Maxion Jantaş have produced more than 10 million wheel rims, which is a first in its history, in 2017. The companies aim to continue to create added value for Turkish economy and produce 400 million USD worth of export by producing 11 million wheel rims in 2018. Maxion Wheels of Brazil, the biggest wheel rim producer of the world, and İnci Group companies create employment and contribute to country’s economy via producing wheel rims at four factories located in Manisa Organised Industrial Zone to be exported to more than 50 countries.
Chairman of the Board of Maxion İnci and Maxion Jantaş, Mr. Mustafa Zaim says İnci Group has become an example for Aegean region by producing wheel rims and investing in the region. Zaim said: “We have become an example for the upcoming investments by producing wheel rims in Aegean Region. Now there is a know-how. Manisa and İzmir have become Europe’s wheel rim manufacturing centre. Aegean Region is now registered as the wheel rim production center of the world. We are proud of leading this branding and be a part of the biggest industrial companies of Turkey. We have trust in our country. Therefore we work hard to develop our company as well as our country.”
Mr. Zaim, who states that Maxion İnci and Maxion Jantaş will continue with their investments, also said: Our companies with their 1700 employees, 220 out of which were employed additionally in the last two years, will continue to increase Turkey’s brand value in the world, as well as to contribute the economy. These days, in which we achieve our sustainable growth objectives one by one, we are also proud of being among the biggests of ISO list. We will continue to work for the benefit of Manisa, İzmir, Aegean Region and Turkey with our quality and leadership.

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