Türk Otomotiv Sanayicisinin Dergisi

Automotive Supply Industrialist Sarıgozoglu Is In Kocaeli

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Haber Eklenme Tarihi : 22.08.2022 09:38:00

With 65 years of innovative and entrepreneurial tradition, Sarıgözoğlu started its investment in Kocaeli Başiskele.

The company, provides die and press metal stamping services to Mercedes, Fiat, Renault, M.A.N, BMW, Porsche, Mitsubishi-Fuso, Otokar, Bosch and especially Ford Otosan, adds a new one to its several plants throughout Turkey. 
The foundation of the facility, which will produce new generation electric vehicle inputs in Kocaeli Başiskele, was laid with the participation of Ford Otosan competent professionals and Başiskele Mayor Mehmet Yasin Özlü.
The facility, which will start production in the first quarter of 2023, will not only produce parts for environmentally friendly vehicles, but will also be equipped with environmentalist features in the building project. Renewable energy and rainwater harvesting systems are the leading features in the project. 
Robot-automated production and assembly equipment will be used at the facility in accordance with the industry 4.0 concept. Logistics execution will also be digitized and shipments can be made in minutes.
Under the spiritual leadership of the late founder Mr. İsmail Sarıgözoğlu, the second generation representatives Mr. Mustafa Sarıgözoğlu and Mr. Levent Sarıgözoğlu were present at the ceremony. The  most striking thing at the ceremony was the active participation and energetic impact of the family and the company’s third generation young managers.
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